ACI’s Jay Gettenberg to Appear on Dec 8 FAE Broker Dealer Tech Session Teleconference
ACI Managing Partner, Jay Gettenberg, will join a teleconference of accounting professionals on December 8th to discuss regulatory issues and considerations the industry faces as the country heads into 2021.
The 90-minute panel, sponsored by the Foundation for Accounting Education, will be geared toward providing broker dealer FINOPS and auditors with the latest information available. Topics may include the impact of the pandemic on industry practices as well as the latest news from the SEC, FINRA and the PCAOB.
The panel will be part of the foundation’s afternoon teleconference, which runs from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on December 8th. The session is aimed at industry professionals at the Intermediate/Advanced Level. Attendees can receive 1.5 Auditing (NYSED) credits, 1 Specialized Knowledge/Industries (NYSED) credit and 0.5 Auditing (NYSED) credits. For more details and to register, click here:
Gettenberg, a member of the FINRA Small Firm Advisory Committee (SFAC), has participated in previous FAE panels, including one in July on “Accounting and Auditing in COVID Times.”
ACI will continue to provide updates on our Resources page as we manage together through this challenging time. We hope everyone is taking proactive and precautionary measures to remain safe.