FINRA Notice 15-45


Implementation Date: January 4, 2016

The SEC recently approved FINRA’s proposal to establish a registration category and qualification examination requirement for Securities Traders and Securities Trader Principals.1 This Notice provides firms with information regarding the Securities Trader registration category and qualification examination (Series 57), Securities Trader Principal registration category, Series 57 examination fee and implementation of the new registration categories. In addition, the Notice provides firms with information regarding the Regulatory Element Continuing Education (CE) Program for Securities Traders. Candidates for the Series 57 examination will be able to schedule and take the examination beginning on January 4, 2016.The content outline for the examination is available on FINRA’s website. The amended rule text is attached as Appendix A.

The rules will be implemented on January 4, 2016.

See the attached pdf, for the full text:

pdf FINRA_Notice_15-45.pdf